Stripe It Like It's Hot
Stripe It Like It's Hot
LEIGH KUHN - RynoWorx - SILIH 104
We are very excited to have Leigh Kuhn join us for this episode of Stripe It Like It's Hot!
Leigh Kuhn is the president of Rynoworx Industries Inc., a designer, manufacturer and distributor of pavement maintenance equipment with expertise in asphalt coatings and crack/joint repairs.
Leigh is a serial entrepreneur having started and scaled several businesses from the ground up and built business partnerships throughout Canada, the US and the Caribbean.
If you're looking to follow along their journey or get in contact with Leigh head to:
https://www.youtube.com/ @rynoworx
AND if you're looking for a free sample kit head to:
All comments and feedback are greatly appreciated!
You should also check out the podcast on all major podcast platforms called "Stripe It Like It's Hot" - there is great information and insightful interviews from people in the industry to help you become a better line painter and business owner.
🎙️ Our podcast on Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/2vD2Tn3...
🎙️ Our podcast on Apple Podcasts - https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast...
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