Stripe It Like It's Hot
Stripe It Like It's Hot
Bryce Harem - Central Paving LLC - SILIH 106
With a degree in both Construction Management & Business Administration from Central Washington University, Bryce has collected a wide range of experience including Commercial, Residential & Civil construction. He utilizes his construction background and understanding of company development to oversee and manage the day-to-day operations for Central Paving.
If you'd like to follow the journey of Central Paving LLC or Bryce Harem head to:
AND if you're looking for a FREE sample kit from Mighty Line head to:
All comments and feedback are greatly appreciated!
You should also check out the podcast on all major podcast platforms called "Stripe It Like It's Hot" - there is great information and insightful interviews from people in the industry to help you become a better line painter and business owner.
🎙️ Our podcast on Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/2vD2Tn3...
🎙️ Our podcast on Apple Podcasts - https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast...
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FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/StripeItPodcast/
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WORLD WIDE WEB: https://www.laserpavementsolutions.ca/